Urban Forum is created by people with international experience and local ambition to make our immediate surroundings better. For years, we have been closely observing the changing world in front of our eyes and looking for inspiration for us and our cities. We want to actively face the challenges of the future - from digitization of processes and climate changes, through energy and health related activities of our citizens, to ecosystem actions and building of communities.
Our goal is to design and implement new solutions, technologies, civic initiatives and models of local community participation in areas of key importance for the contemporary world of challenges based on European experience.
Our priorities
Green and smart cities

So we live in a safe and healthy environment.

New technologies and solutions support in cities enlarging green areas, improving air quality, modernizing urban transport and mobility, as well as broadly understood well-being of their citizens. A large part of the global and EU activities is aimed towards energy efficiency, reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and eco innovations. The aim of the Urban Forum is to help our cities and communities find proven solutions based on examples and experiences from other countries and regions.
Social innovation
To improve the functionality of our communities.

We support new solutions to common social problems, both technological and organizational. New solutions solve important problems of our communities, contribute to the quality of our living. At Urban Forum we support with knowledge and experience at every stage of innovation development, beginning from the concept stage, towards its prototype, to the first implementation and scaling up.
Active citizenship
Our tomorrow depends on every one of us.

Your voice is also very important to us. Your ideas can help change the city. Feel free to contact us, not only the above-mentioned issues, but we also do any social issues.